Rosehip Oil is often celebrated and revered for its broad spectrum of therapeutic and restorative qualities – particularly when it comes to skin and haircare product formulations.  

At Kerfoot Group, our superior quality Rosehip Oil forms part of our vital ingredient portfolio, and we view it as one of our top 20 specialist oils!  

We currently have four grades in our portfolio: Chilean Rosehip Refined, Chilean Rosehip Organic, Rosehip Refined, and Rosehip Organic Cold Pressed. We are confident that these products can meet even the most exacting product development requirements of brand owners and align with consumer requirements for ingredients that are authentic, traceable, ethically produced, and uses naturally sourced raw materials. 

We are proud that our Rosehip Oil ticks most of these boxes, making our products an attractive prospect for brands when developing and formulating new products – whether a luxury, indie, or more affordable item.  

But let’s delve into the backstory and history of Rosehip Oil and explore why exactly it’s being viewed as one of the hero ingredients of the personal care and beauty markets.  


History of Rosehip Oil 

Not to be confused with Rose Oil, Rosehip has a long and varied history of use in personal and beauty care applications. It is produced by cold pressing the seeds of wild rose shrubs to ensure that as much of the oil’s natural nutrients and qualities remain intact.    

The use of Rosehip Oil can be traced to the Ancient Egyptians and Mayans, who used a wide variety of plant-based oils, including Rosehip Oil, as a topical skin treatment.  

Furthermore, there is evidence that Rosehip Oil was also used in other cultures, such as Ancient Chinese, Roman, and Native American. The plant’s Latin name, Rosa Canina, is believed to originate from the Roman idea that it could cure the bite of rabid dogs.   

During the latter part of the 20th century, personal care brands began to take a much closer look at the nutritional profile of the oil and its potential within skin formulations, building global momentum. With its flexibility and powerful benefits, it’s no wonder sales of Rosehip Oil are shooting up, with growth predicted from around $108.5mn in 2020 to $197,6mn by 2026 – at a very healthy CAGR of 10.7%.1 


Why is Rosehip Oil proving such a hit?  

As a sought-after ingredient, Rosehip Oil offers a protective function and features a light and earthy aroma with a unique and valuable combination of nutrients such as linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids.  

These mark Rosehip Oil out as an excellent choice for moisturising and hydrating skin care applications, leaving skin feeling healthy, refreshed, and hydrated.  

It is believed that Rosehip Oil could boost collagen production to support skin elasticity and firmness while targeting pigmentation, scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible signs of ageing. But, while Rosehip Oil in skin and beauty care products is well documented, what of its use in hair care product development?  

The good news is that Rosehip Oil is a dream ingredient when it comes to hair care formulations – packed with strengthening antioxidants and rich in fatty acids – particularly beneficial for products that offer a curl-boosting or scalp health positioning.  

In addition, Rosehip Oil can defend against hair breakage, weakened hair strands, and a lack of moisture. Optimum hydration in haircare is particularly important for hair care products, as dry hair can lead to brittle and inelastic hair that could become prone to additional damage during the drying, styling, and detangling process.2  

Rosehip Oil is also a fantastic addition to products promoting scalp health with its rich compounds of vitamin E and polyphenols that support strong anti-inflammatory benefits. It also functions as a stellar antioxidant and assists in maintaining the skin’s natural collagen and connective tissue to keep hair follicles intact. Lastly, Rosehip Oil features a healthy source of phytonutrients to prevent cell damage from free radicals and promote long-term scalp health.3 

Rosehip Oil is a top contender when it comes to boosting hair strength and scalp health, so why not consider this product during your next round of haircare new product development?  

Simply reach out to our team for the technical expertise you require to deliver quality and value to existing formulations and new product development alike. (Link Jody)  


  1. Stratview Research, Rosehip Oil Market | Market Size, Share & Forecast Analysis, accessed August 2023  
  1. Buster, Kesha et al. “Trichorrhexis Nodosa (Hair Breakage).” Skin of Color Society.    
  1. Pattern Beauty, Rosehip Oil For Hair: How Can It Benefit Curls? Accessed August 2023