A new era of collaboration for Kerfoot and Oleon

This is an exciting and busy time for Kerfoot as we start our transition to Oleon – the highly regarded and sustainable natural chemistry brand with a large footprint in the nutrition and personal care markets.

The heart of Kerfoot’s business remains on providing best-in-class products, authentic oils, and custom blends to our clients, but now today under the Oleon brand.

Oleon has a rich history of pushing boundaries through the development of sustainable solutions. The merger will enable us to work together as true innovators and build on our strong and lasting customer and supplier relationships, not only in the UK and Europe, but further afield.

The Kerfoot natural and custom oils range for the personal care market now fall under Oleon Health and Beauty. You can find more information on the oils featured in the range at oleonhealthandbeauty.com

The Kerfoot food oils range now fall under the Oleon Nutrition brand. To learn more about the Oleon Nutrition range, which encompasses everything from food oils to animal feed, visit oleon.com

Oleon and Kerfoot

Oleon and Kerfoot are both Avril Group companies and our shared vision will drive our aim of building a sustainable business, enabling Kerfoot and Oleon to create mutually beneficial synergies that benefit our customers.

We’re proud to be supporting the NHS…

The Kerfoot team is proud to announce that its Virtual Race Night to raise vital funding for the NHS has been a roaring success. The collective effort has raised just over £1,000 for NHS trusts, which will go directly towards the ongoing fight against Covid-19. Click to find out more.

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